Did you know that in a typical household, over half of your energy bills are spent on heating and hot water? It is therefore, more important than ever to update your heating system and home or business to be as energy efficient as possible.
An efficient heating system with easy-to-use controls, like one from The Underfloor Heating Store, can help to reduce your gas and electricity bills and reduce your carbon emissions. What’s not to love?
Heating your home with energy efficiency in mind
Switching to more efficient heating options can save you a pretty penny while also doing your bit for the environment. There are many different types of energy-efficient heating options for your home, which we’ll go over in more detail.
Heat pumps
Heat pumps aren’t a brand-new addition to the home heating market, but they’ve come into the spotlight more in recent years because of how eco-friendly they are. Installing one can be a bit of an investment, but the UK government has introduced the Boiler Upgrade Scheme to help with that initial cost.
Air source heat pumps
One type of heat pump available is the air source heat pump. An air source heat pump is a type of heat pump that absorbs heat from the air (yes, even in winter) and transfers that heat to water which is then pumped around your home via radiators or underfloor heating or stored in a hot water cylinder ready for washing up, taking showers, and running baths.
Read our air source heat pump guide to learn more about these innovative heating solutions.